Unfortunately, doctors cannot be up to date with all areas of Medicine and sometimes give opinions about treatments that are out of date. The world has moved away from stripping largely because of the risks of that form of treatment and the disappointing results in the medium to long term. Unfortunately, many patients who have

Even when a highly experienced physician is performing the treatment, there are a number of possible side effects that are listed below. If you have had previous episodes of deep clots (thrombosis) in your leg this may mean that you are unsuitable for treatment. Our doctors will discuss this with you. There is some suggestion

The contraindications for sclerotherapy may include: pregnancy, inability to walk, allergy to the sclerosing agent and the inability or unwillingness to follow instructions.

Because we use very small needles, and because Fibrovein does not induce the more severe post-injection burning like hypertonic saline, there is only minor discomfort. No anaesthesia is required.

An analogy is if you have leaks from your ceiling when it rains, and you kept patching the ceiling without first repairing the source at the roof, you wouldn’t be surprised to find your ceiling kept springing leaks every time it rained. Likewise, with sclerotherapy, it is critical to treat the feeder veins (reticular veins)

In the majority of cases a procedure called “sclerotherapy” is used to treat surface / spider veins. This involves injecting a solution, called a sclerosing solution, directly into the blood vessel with a very fine needle. Sclerotherapy has been used for spider veins since the 1930’s. There are two types of solution used at Vein Doctors

It is usually for 3-5 days after Standard Sclerotherapy and 14 days after  Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy and Endovenous Laser Ablation.

The simple answer is no. All the procedures (varicose veins or spider veins treatment) performed at Vein Doctors Group are “walk-in, walk-out” so if you are able to work you are suitable for a procedure. Of course, bigger legs are technically more challenging because it is more difficult to get into the vein because of the surrounding

Not in the legs. For every visible vein on your leg, there are many more under the skin. By sealing off the few abnormal veins from the many normal ones, the circulation is repaired and normalised.

Low-intensity exercises e.g. cycling, swimming and light weights at a gym can be continued without disruption.  However, you should refrain from high-intensity exercise e.g. running, heavyweights, kickboxing for the first 4-5 days after treatment or until you are able to return to these activities without discomfort.