Standard Sclerotherapy: what to do after treatment

In order to ensure the success of the treatment, it is essential that you observe the detailed notes that will be given to you prior to treatment. Some of the important points are —

1. As soon as you leave the clinic you are required to walk for at least half an hour. For each day following your treatment, when you are wearing a stocking, you must walk for at least half an hour.

2. Avoid standing still for long periods of time and when sitting has your legs elevated if possible.

3. Avoid vigorous or strenuous activities (e.g. running, squash, tennis, and high impact aerobics) or heavy lifting whilst you are wearing the stocking. Lightweight workouts, swimming, golf and low-intensity tennis are OK. You will be able to carry on with your normal work or house duties.

4. You may experience slight pain in the legs during the first few days after treatment. In the very unlikely situation where you notice any severe or continuous pain please contact the clinic immediately or Dr Varcoe on the after-hours numbers that you will be provided with.

5. You can have a shower with the stocking on and then either towel dry, blow-dry or allow the stocking to dry naturally. You can also swim whilst wearing stocking.


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